
All. About. Process.

It’s where we got our start: multi-trade engineering solutions. Developing and perfecting processes to ensure that they have been boiled down to peak efficiency in terms of throughput time, energy consumption and yield.

That’s how we maintain quality and keep costs down – It’s been our focus for decades.

The Name Ichor is from Greek Mythology meaning:

“fluid that flows like blood in the veins of the gods”

Made for the industry

Ichor has been poised hit the ground running when legalization hit, we had the tools and skillset to develop an efficient, automated, scalable extraction process, which we continue to iterate and improve. We built Ichor Inc from the ground up ready to streamline our processes and take the Cannabis industry by storm. The result is unique in the current cannabis processing landscape. We are obsessed with our craft, and we think our passion comes through in everything we create and we’re proud of the results. Consumers of our own product, we’re excited to share the fruits of our labour with the burgeoning cannabis industry.

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